9 Best Workout Tips for Double the Weight Loss

The best workout tips from today's hot workouts that are changing how we view fitness. Double your fat loss with these secret weight loss tips!

Today's hot workouts are completely changing how we view fitness. We've put together the best workout tips that are guaranteed to push you toward your weight loss goals!!

Today's hot workouts are completely changing how we view fitness. We've put together the best workout tips that are guaranteed to push you toward your weight loss goals!!

Today’s hot workouts are completely changing how we view fitness.

We’ve put together the best workout tips that are guaranteed to push you toward your weight loss goals!

Workout has evolved.

There are so many new choices in exercises that you can try out to get to your fitness goal.

There is no longer an excuse to not engage in an activity because surely, there is one out there that will suit you and help you meet your targets.

If you’re looking for short but high-intensity workouts, there’s circuit training.

If you’re wanting to develop lean, body muscle, planaforma might be right for you.

If the goal is to lose overall body weight and workout all your muscles while engaging the core, HIT (high-intensity training) might be what you need.

There is so much out there to try you just have to be bold and go for it.

Working out by itself though is not enough.

They say it takes 10% activity and 90% nutrition to promote a healthy lifestyle.

Here are 9 tips we can give you to maximize the effects of that new routine you’re trying out.

1. More Reps Please

The trend in developing muscle has changed.

It was believed that for you to lose fat and gain muscle in certain areas of your body, you needed to up the weight that you’re lifting.

That is no longer the case.

Many new programs incorporate lifting lighter weights but having more repetitions in the movement.

This allows you to build your endurance and tire your muscles causing you to build it and burn the fat stored up.

Barre is a program that follows this concept and the feedback we got is phenomenal.

Try it and see the impact on your body for yourself.

2. Low Impact But High Intensity

Yes, there is a difference.

Many new movements practiced are low impact but high intensity.

How is that so?

Low impact simply means that the exercise gives little to no strain on your ligaments and tendons which then lowers the risk of possible injury.

However, the movements are high intensity because they engage the muscles full on.

Holding a position for a long period of time or repeating a pose multiple times causes a shake in the part which then leads to the burning of fat and the building of muscle.

Many core workouts can be classified this way.

3. Small Victories Are Big

Be kind to yourself.

Remember that with each victory, you inch yourself closer to reaching your target and you are becoming stronger.

You probably did not even picture yourself achieving what you have today. So, look back and celebrate how far you’ve come.

Having this mindset keeps us positive and wanting to achieve more.

It pushes us forward and becomes the drive we need to work more and go for it.

Keep your mind strong and the body will follow.

4. Be Mindful Of The Message

Mindfulness is the new sexy thing in mind-body health and it’s for a good reason.

It encourages you to be present in the moment and listen to the message your body is trying to give you.

By practicing this while you workout, you are understanding your body more.

This teaches you to hold poses the right way and allows you to push yourself to do better.

You learn what you limit is and you go for that each and every time.

5. Have A Health Slogan

It is beneficial to have a motto you can remind yourself of when the workout is tougher than you expect.

When the pain starts to intensify and you feel you can do 1 more rep, think of your health slogan and allow that to push you to finish.

Trust me, it is more effective than you think.

6. Eat Nutritional Meals

When you’re working out on a regular basis, your body burns your stored-up fats and the food you eat for fuel.

You need to replenish that on a regular basis to keep yourself healthy and strong for your next session.

Have lean meat, fruits and vegetables and good carbohydrates as part of your regular diet.

These foods not only give you the nutrients you need but also serves to help you burn more calories as well.

Eat the right food when working out to increase the benefits it brings to your body.

7. Love Your Carbohydrates

To keep you energized throughout your whole workout, eat complex carbs a few hours before your session.

Most people remove this from their diet completely, but that isn’t really beneficial for you.

Incorporating the right carbs into your daily diet is extremely important for anyone who is physically active and is getting ready to conquer an intense workout session.

Carbs are burned by the body slowly and can, therefore, sustain you longer.

Have some brown bread or a bowl of oatmeal in the morning and see the difference.

8. Get Enough Rest

Eight hours of sleep every night is crucial for a healthy and toned body.

Yes, the age-old myth that lacking sleep helps you lose weight is erroneous.

That’s because you tend to get your energy from food which causes you to eat more.

When you sleep, your body rebuilds and restores itself giving you the energy you need for your day ahead.

Keep in mind that when you work out, you actually tear muscle down; and, your periods of rest are when it builds up and gets stronger.

Good sleep plus healthy eating habits can promote health and weight loss better than anything else.

9. Use Your Body Weight

Gone are the days when lifting heavy weights was the only technique to gain body muscle.

Many new exercise programs incline on you using your actual body mass to develop your muscle.

Some highly effective movements include the plank, squats, lunges and even burpees.

All encourage you to use your own strength and already formed muscle to develop more.

Not only are they more effective, but they are also considered safer in the long run.

The body has enough kilos to help you achieve your target.

Utilize that effectively and you’ll see the results in no time.