Trying to lose weight after 40? Make sure you avoid these 20 foods at all costs, they will cause you to gain weight and ruin your flat belly dreams. Every birthday that you celebrate is not just about the cake and candles. It means you are getting older and soon enough, you...
These incredible detox water recipes not only help with bloating and digestion but can DOUBLE your weight loss for that flat tummy of your dreams. They also have anti-aging benefits and much, much more! This year there’s been a lot of buzz surrounding superfoods and nutrition, but until now, it’s been...
It’s feeling like right time so you’ve made a very important decision that you’re going to lose some weight. The next thing you will no doubt be wondering is how you should go about your weight loss journey. The best way to approach sensible, healthy weight loss is to eat healthily,...
Trying to cut back on calories but finding yourself craving not-so-healthy foods? Try these 7 best healthy snacks that are packed with protein that'll keep you on your diet and losing weight. So cut back the calories, get slim and stay satisfied by choosing from these healthy and high protein...
Imagine eating and losing weight? We know a lot more about nutrition today than we did 15 years ago. And yes, there are actually foods you can eat that will help you lose weight. Of course, it’s advisable that you stay away from foods that counteract losing weight. We’ll talk about...
Do you want to KICKSTART your weight loss? Secret immunity and metabolism-boosting foods to increase your body's natural fat-burning potential, slim down and add years to your life! Our metabolism is the set of life-sustaining chemical reactions within our cells that are constantly building up and breaking down to release and...
You’ve decided that now is the time that you are definitely going to lose some weight. Perhaps you’re going on holiday somewhere hot and you want to feel fabulous in your bikini or swim shorts? Or maybe you have a big, special occasion coming up and you want to get your...
It's common for women to reach a point where they feel it's finally the time to begin their weight loss journey, but often times it's hard to pick where to start. Your family life and work can be hectic that you might feel like it’s impossible to get started, but...
Are you trying to lose weight by cutting out carbs? Big mistake! These secret carbs actually help you lose weight by providing you more energy to burn fat. There are thousands of different diets and most will tell you to cut out or drastically reduce your carb intake. There are low-calorie...
Would you love a GUARANTEED flat tummy? Adding these healthy foods to your diet will help you slim down, tone, tighten and expose your flat 6-pack tummy within! You hit the gym regularly, go through numberless sit-ups and stability exercises but still nothing! Not an ab in sight. Not even a one-pack. It’s...